Spotlight on FedLearn

Difference of AI-Powered Online Learning

Thank you for visiting the FedLearn booth at Advantage DoD 24: Defense Data & AI Symposium! We appreciate your interest in our company and next-generation online training solutions.

FedLearn is the first artificial intelligence-powered, online learning provider to Federal government and government contractor markets.

Learn more about FedLearn’s unique value proposition.

Only FedLearn can answer two previously elusive questions:

  • Are your learners learning?
  • Are your learners engaged?

Our Online Courses

We offer online courses and content specialized and contextualized to government missions—particularly in the U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence Community. 

FedLearn offers growing online course catalogs in a variety of critical topics to the government and contractor companies, including, but not limited to:

  • AI
  • Data science
  • Intelligence Community (intelligence analysis)
  • Information technology
  • Leadership and management
  • Product management
  • Project management
  • Quantum
  • Space

Take a look at our AI and data science courses.

Review our Intelligence Community courses.

Courses can be purchased via seat licenses and on an individual basis. We offer special pricing for Federal government and contractor enterprises, departments, and teams.

Aggregator of Great Online Content

FedLearn strives to be an aggregator of great content. We partner with world-class organizations and brilliant subject matter experts to offer their online course content to our customers, including:

  • BizLibrary
  • ChatGPT Trainings
  • Janes
  • Nova Space
  • PatchPlus Consulting
  • SandboxAQ
  • Wharton Interactive (University of Pennsylvania)

BizLibrary Partnership

FedLearn and BizLibrary offer packages of online courses in IT, leadership and management and project management to address some of our customer’s most urgent upskilling and reskilling challenges. The FedLearn team will work with you to curate the perfect package of 50 or 200 courses to meet your organization’s specific training needs. 

Thousands of courses are available! 

The courses are delivered via our AI-enabled platform so our customers can take advantage of our advanced metrics and reporting capabilities and additional functionality.

Discover our turnkey, cost-effective, online training solutions.

Want to Learn More About Our Online Training Solutions?

Contact us to learn more about the next generation of online learning solutions for the Federal government and contractors. We want to hear from you!